Exploring the World with Your Kid!!!

Here are some Travel with Baby tips that may help make traveling easier:

  1. Keep it simple
  • Newborns are the best candidates for breastfeeding, which means you can eliminate a lot of other things from your packing list, like bottles and extra formula.
  • Baby slings and carriers are ideal for car rides with babies because it’s one of the easiest times to get a baby to sleep.
  • For plane flights, it’s a good idea to book an early flight so you can leave shortly after your baby’s bedtime.
  • Bring a few things to entertain your baby while on the flight, such as their favorite toys or books, a binky, and a set of headphones.
  • It’s also helpful to bring a small box of crayons and some blank paper and plastic bags in case of any spills or accidents.
  1. Plan ahead
  • Pack extra diapers and snacks, a changing pad, and extra clothes.
  • Make sure that your baby or toddler’s car seat is approved for air travel and packed properly.
  • Book an overnight flight, which will hopefully help them fall asleep during the flight and have a restful vacation when they arrive at their destination.
  • Try to get an early flight so that the airport is less crowded, which can help improve your chances of getting a sleeping baby during the flight.
  1. Make sure they’re comfortable
  • A good night’s sleep and a comfy, familiar crib or car seat can help them relax and get settled.
  • Travel during the day, as it may be easier for your little one to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Pack plenty of snacks for them (as well as you). Also, consider bringing toys they don’t have at home, like interactive books or interlocking teethers, to keep them entertained while you’re on the go.
  1. Keep them busy
  • Pack plenty of toys, snacks, and activities to keep them engaged and happy throughout the trip, for example, interactive books with sound, music, and touch-and-feel pages.
  • Be sure to pack plenty of snacks and drinks, as well.
  1. Don’t overdo it
  • Plan for the worst-case scenario and remember that your baby is an individual.
  • Bring extra formula and snacks to avoid being short on something vital in case of any delays or cancellations.
  • Avoid getting on a flight just before your baby’s usual bedtime, and make sure you’re familiar with your airline’s baggage allowances.
  • Check with your doctor or midwife about any vaccines you might need to travel with your baby.

I hope these tips help make your travel with baby a little bit easier!

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